Coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization

Minimally Invasive Solution for Spinal Stenosis

Managing chronic back or leg pain can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when the pain is severe. This discomfort is often caused by lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), a condition where the spaces within your spine narrow, putting pressure on the surrounding nerves. As we age, this narrowing can naturally occur and may worsen over time. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with LSS, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available to help alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

The Coflex® device offers an alternative to spinal fusion for certain patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.

What is Coflex®?

Coflex® is a revolutionary, minimally invasive implant designed to provide lasting relief for patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis. This small, titanium device is placed between two vertebrae in the lower back, offering a stable yet flexible solution to maintain spinal stability while relieving pressure on the nerves. Unlike traditional spinal fusion, Coflex® allows for natural movement and reduces the need for more invasive surgical procedures.

How Coflex® Works

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows, leading to compression of the nerves and causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the legs. After surgical decompression, which relieves pressure on the compressed nerves, your spine surgeon will insert the Coflex® device through the same small incision. This device is positioned on the lamina, the strongest bone in the back of your spine.  The Coflex® device is uniquely designed to maintain spinal stability after decompression while preserving natural movement in the treated area. If you suffer from leg and/or back pain due to spinal stenosis, you may be a candidate for the Coflex® device.

Dr Salari consulting a patient

Benefits of Coflex®

Coflex® is implanted through a small incision, reducing recovery time and minimizing scarring.

Unlike spinal fusion, which restricts movement, Coflex® allows for a full range of motion in the treated area, maintaining the spine’s natural biomechanics.

Patients typically experience quicker recovery times and less postoperative pain compared to traditional spinal fusion.

Coflex® provides long-term relief and reduces the likelihood of needing additional surgeries in the future.

Who Is a Candidate for Coflex®?

Coflex® is ideal for patients who have moderate to severe lumbar spinal stenosis and are seeking an alternative to spinal fusion. It is particularly beneficial for those who want to maintain their spinal mobility and avoid the longer recovery associated with more invasive surgeries. 

  1. Have Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Specifically, those who have moderate to severe lumbar spinal stenosis that causes chronic back or leg pain.
  2. Experience Symptoms Despite Conservative Treatments: Individuals who have not found sufficient relief from non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, medications, or injections.
  3. Seek to Preserve Spinal Mobility: Patients who prefer an option that maintains more natural movement in the spine, as opposed to spinal fusion, which restricts motion.
  4. Are Suitable for Minimally Invasive Surgery: Those who are in good overall health and are candidates for a minimally invasive procedure.
  5. Have No Instability or Spondylolisthesis: Candidates typically do not have significant spinal instability or spondylolisthesis (slippage of one vertebra over another), as these conditions may require more extensive stabilization procedures.

Your spine specialist will evaluate your specific condition and medical history to determine if the Coflex® device is an appropriate treatment option for you.

man holding back in pain

What to Expect Before, During, and After Coflex® Surgery

Before Surgery

Preoperative Evaluation:

  • Your spine specialist will conduct a thorough evaluation, including a physical exam, imaging tests (like MRI or X-rays), and a review of your medical history to confirm that Coflex® surgery is the right option for you.
  • You may be asked to stop certain medications or take additional ones to prepare for surgery.
  • Your surgeon will discuss the procedure with you, including potential risks, benefits, and what to expect during recovery.

Pre-Surgical Preparations:

  • You’ll likely undergo routine blood tests and a preoperative clearance from your primary care physician.
  • You may need to fast for a certain period before the surgery, typically starting the night before.
  • Arrangements should be made for someone to drive you home and assist you after surgery.
Doctor showing a diagram of a spine
male professional holding lower back

During Surgery

During Coflex® surgery, which is performed under general anesthesia, a small incision is made in your lower back to access the spine. The surgeon first performs a decompression procedure to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves by removing or trimming bone and ligaments. The Coflex® device is then inserted and positioned on the lamina, the strongest bone in the back of your spine, to stabilize the area while preserving natural movement. The entire procedure typically takes about 60-90 minutes. Once the procedure is complete, the incision is closed with sutures or staples, and a sterile bandage is applied.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Immediate Recovery:

  • After the procedure, you’ll be moved to a recovery room where medical staff will monitor you as the anesthesia wears off.
  • Pain and discomfort are common but manageable with prescribed pain medications.
  • Most patients are able to go home the same day or after an overnight stay in the hospital.

Postoperative Care:

  • You’ll receive instructions on how to care for your incision, including keeping it clean and dry.
  • Light activities are encouraged soon after surgery, but you should avoid heavy lifting, bending, or twisting during the initial recovery period.
  • You may need to wear a brace for support as your spine heals.
Dr. Wang Explaining Spine Condition to Patient
Dr. Fields talking to a female patient
Dr Chris Yeung and patient

Follow Up Appointments and Physical Therapy After Surgery

Physical therapy typically begins within a few weeks after surgery, focusing on strengthening your back muscles, improving flexibility, and gradually increasing your activity level. Adhering to your physical therapy program is crucial for a successful recovery. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon will be scheduled to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns. Imaging tests may be done during these visits to ensure the Coflex® device is properly positioned and functioning as intended. Most patients experience significant improvement in pain and mobility within a few weeks to months after surgery. It’s important to follow all postoperative guidelines and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure the best outcome.

Long-Term Outcomes

Coflex® has been shown to provide lasting relief from the symptoms of spinal stenosis, with many patients experiencing significant improvement in their quality of life. Clinical studies demonstrate that Coflex® is as effective as spinal fusion, with the added benefits of preserving motion and offering a quicker, less painful recovery. Key outcomes include:

  1. Pain Relief: Many patients experience significant and sustained relief from chronic back and leg pain following Coflex® surgery. Studies have shown that this relief can last for several years, with some patients maintaining reduced pain levels even after five years.
  2. Improved Mobility: Coflex® surgery often results in improved mobility and function. Patients typically report being able to engage in daily activities and physical exercise with less discomfort compared to before the surgery.
  3. Preservation of Spinal Motion: Unlike spinal fusion, the Coflex® device is designed to preserve the natural movement of the spine. Long-term studies have demonstrated that patients retain a greater range of motion in the treated area, which can help in maintaining overall spinal health.
  4. Reduced Need for Additional Surgeries: Patients treated with Coflex® are less likely to require additional surgeries compared to those who undergo spinal fusion. The durability of the Coflex® device contributes to long-term stability, reducing the likelihood of future interventions.
  5. Lower Risk of Adjacent Segment Disease: Coflex® surgery has a lower risk of adjacent segment disease (ASD), a condition where the spinal segments above or below a fusion site deteriorate. The preservation of motion with Coflex® reduces stress on adjacent segments, minimizing the risk of ASD.
  6. High Patient Satisfaction: Long-term studies indicate high levels of patient satisfaction, with many reporting they would choose the Coflex® procedure again if needed. Satisfaction is often linked to the combination of pain relief, improved function, and preserved mobility.
  7. Sustained Quality of Life Improvements: The long-term benefits of Coflex® surgery contribute to sustained improvements in the overall quality of life. Patients often report better outcomes in terms of physical health, mental well-being, and the ability to return to normal activities.

These outcomes highlight the effectiveness of Coflex® as a long-term treatment option for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis, particularly those who seek to maintain spinal mobility while achieving significant pain relief.

Why Choose DISC For Coflex Surgery?

Choosing the Desert Institute for Spine Care (DISC) for your Coflex® surgery ensures you receive expert care from a team experienced in treating lumbar spinal stenosis and performing Coflex® procedures. DISC offers personalized treatment plans, state-of-the-art technology, and minimally invasive techniques that lead to quicker recovery and less pain. From your initial consultation to postoperative care, their multidisciplinary team provides comprehensive support and emphasizes patient education, helping you make informed decisions. DISC’s high patient satisfaction and proven success with Coflex® surgeries reflect their commitment to advanced, compassionate care in a comfortable, well-equipped facility.Take the first step towards relief from spinal stenosis. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how Coflex® can help you regain your mobility and quality of life.

Dr. Abrams consulting male patient Dr. Abrams consulting male patient

Schedule a Consultation Today!

At DISC, our professionals constantly support our patients, walking alongside them every step of the way and helping them enjoy life again. We are proud to serve communities across Arizona.

If you or a loved one are interested in TLIF with DISC, reach out to us today for a consultation. We look forward to guiding you on the path to long-term back health.