The DISC Team

Meet the Doctor

Meet the Doctor

Anthony T. Yeung, M.D. (Retired)

  • Retired Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
  • Board-Certified

Dr. Anthony Yeung is a board-certified Orthopedic Spine Surgeon who specialized in diagnosing and treating the causes of back pain and sciatica from painful degenerative conditions of the lumbar spine, particularly herniated discs, bulging discs with annular tears, and foraminal stenosis. His techniques have proven to be very effective in relieving both back and leg pain, elusive to many spine specialists because his technique targets and visualizes the pain generator with his endoscope, using imaging as a guide, but confirming the pain source with diagnostic and therapeutic injections. He is the first to use endoscopically guided lasers and is the developer of the FDA approved Yeung Endoscopic Spine System (YESS™).



COLLEGE University of Arizona – Tucson
MEDICAL SCHOOL University of New Mexico School of Medicine
RESIDENCY Maricopa County General Hospital
INTERNSHIP Good Samaritan Hospital
Download Curriculum Vitae

Spine Surgeon Spotlight – Dr. Anthony Yeung | DISC

A Group Of Surgeons Wearing Masks And Gowns In An Operating Room

More About Dr. Anthony Yeung

Patients who are told that there is no surgical solution for their condition, who reject fusion, or seek alternative minimally invasive options have received solid outcomes with Dr. Yeung’s procedure, one that avoids injury to normal spinal anatomy. The procedure continues to evolve, is performed by all DISC surgeons, and is taught in the fellowship program directed by Dr. Yeung onsite at the Squaw Peak Surgical Facility.

Additionally, Dr. Yeung is a lecturer and prolific author of over 170 scientific publications on his technique, and was named a “Health Care Hero” by the Phoenix Business Journal. Dr. Yeung served as the President of the Maricopa County Medical Society, The Arizona Orthopedic Society, The Western Orthopedic Society- AZ Chapter, and the Board of the Arizona Medical Association. He is a former President of the World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, and Current Executive Director of the International Intradiscal Therapy Society.

He was also voted Top Doctor for 2011 by his peers in Phoenix Magazine and was included in The Becker’s Orthopedic Spine Review’s annual “100 of the Best Spine Surgeons and Specialists in America” list.

Dr. Yeung was recently recognized among the top in his industry, by The Expert Network.

Dr. Yeung also enjoys travel, visiting exotic places, giving workshops, as well as teaching and lecturing internationally about his work.

Dr. Anthony Yeung is also the Executive Director for the International Intradiscal Therapy Society (IITS) and IITTSS, a 501C3 non-profit organization whose focus is on Intradiscal therapy aided by the endoscope as the least invasive, visually-guided treatment for discogenic pain.

To learn more, visit the International Intradiscal Therapy Society’s website.

In The News

Stay up-to-date with the latest News about our expert Arizona spine surgeons.

Spine Surgery Consultation Questions
March 15, 2025

Spine Surgery Consultation Questions

Any surgery can be intimidating, especially if you haven’t undergone one before. It’s natural to have questions about the process, including before-and-after care, to ensure a smooth process. Asking questions about your surgery can help prepare you for the event and provide peace of mind. Below are questions you may want to ask your surgeon […]

Everything You Need to Know About Sciatica: The Essential Guide
February 10, 2025

Everything You Need to Know About Sciatica: The Essential Guide

Are you tired of dealing with nagging back pain that radiates down your leg? You may be experiencing sciatica — a common but complex condition affecting the sciatic nerve, often leading to sharp, shooting pain from the lower back down to the legs. 

January 2, 2025

Pros and Cons of Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement  

     If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been living with chronic neck pain, perhaps caused by conditions like degenerative disc disease, herniated discs or cervical radiculopathy. The discomfort can range from mild annoyance to debilitating pain, affecting everything from your ability to work to your quality of life. But you’re here because you’ve […]

Why Canadians Suffering From Spine Pain Should Choose DISC
December 26, 2024

Why Canadians Suffering From Spine Pain Should Choose DISC   

What Is The Cost of Cervical Total Disc Replacement?
December 23, 2024

Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement Recovery Time

Are you considering or have recently undergone a cervical artificial disc replacement? If so, you’re on the path to relief. Chronic neck pain caused by degenerative disc disease or herniated discs can be debilitating. This advanced procedure removes and replaces a damaged disc with a prosthetic one. It preserves and restores neck motion. The result […]

What Is The Cost of Cervical Total Disc Replacement?
November 25, 2024

What Is The Cost of Cervical Total Disc Replacement?

Doctor pointing out areas on a human spine model
November 20, 2024

Understanding Recovery After Spinal Surgery: What to Expect and How to Heal

Recognizing Emergency Signs of Herniated Discs: What You Need to Know
November 6, 2024

Recognizing Emergency Signs of Herniated Discs: What You Need to Know

What Is a Pulled Back Muscle?
November 6, 2024

What Is a Pulled Back Muscle?

Top Doctors castle Connelly
April 5, 2024

Castle Connolly’s National Top Doctor 2024

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 13, 2024

Congratulations to DISC’s surgeon Dr. Nima Salari – “Top Doctor for 2024” list. 

Award for Dr. Wang Being Named to Top Doctors 2024
February 8, 2024

Dr. Wang Receives Top Doctor 2024 Award

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 6, 2024

DISC Surgeons Named 100 Best Doctors in AZ

Dr. Nima Salari, Chris Yeung, and Justin Field
March 6, 2023

DISC Surgeons Named 2023 Top Docs

Congratulations to DISC’s surgeons, Christopher Yeung, Justin Field, and Nima Salari, for being chosen as Phoenix Magazine’s TOP DOCTOR in 2023.

Endoscopic Spine Symposium Blue Flyer
January 16, 2023

Join Dr. Nima Salari at Amplify Surgical’s 2nd Annual Endoscopic Spine Symposium

Register today for Amplify Surgical’s 2nd Annual Endoscopic Spine Symposium, featuring dualPortal™ and dualX® System on March 4, 2023. 

Dr. Chris Yeung on Cover of Arizona Physician
December 22, 2022

Dr. Chris Yeung Featured on AZ Physicians

Congratulations to Dr. Yeung for being featured on the front cover of Maricopa County Medical Society’s “Arizona Physician” Winter 2022 magazine!

Arizona Physician Podcast Logo
September 2, 2022

Spine Care for Baseball Players Podcast with Dr. Chris Yeung

Dr. Chris Yeung was interviewed by Arizona Physician Magazine – a publication that provides information for physicians across Arizona.

Dr. Nima Salari and Chris Yeung
April 11, 2022

DISC Surgeons take Phoenix – Top Doc Award in 2022

Dr. Salari received the most votes in the Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine category. Dr. Yeung received the award for the 10th consecutive year.

UCI Health Flyer
January 7, 2022

Dr. Chris Yeung Panelist at UCI Health Webinar

DISC surgeon Dr. Chris Yeung participates as a panelist in UCI Health Comprehensive Spine Center Webinar Series on January 14th, 2022.

Dr. Nima Salari and Mark Wang
November 22, 2021

DISC surgeons participate in M.O.R.E. Spine Learning Center

DISC surgeons Dr. Salari and Dr. Wang participated as instructors in a recent M.O.R.E. Education Spine Program in Phoenix, Arizona on November 19-20, 2021. The M.O.R.E. Spine Learning Center offers surgeons the opportunity to attend cadaver labs, meet experienced surgeons and discuss the clinical, technical and economic aspects of new spine treatment technologies.

NASS Industry Cadaver Workshop Flyer
September 22, 2021

Join Dr. Chris Yeung at an Endoscopic Workshop at NASS

Begin or advance your Endoscopic skills at NASS on September 29th, 2021. Elliquence is dedicated to ensuring the best education for doctors and physicians on the Endoscopic Spine and MIS procedures using didactic and cadaveric hands-on instruction.

Spine Surgeon Spotlight - Dr. Nima Salari
September 14, 2021

Dr. Nima Salari Listed On Becker’s “50 Spine Surgeons To Know”

We are proud to announce that Dr. Nima Salari has been named to Becker’s Spine Review “50 Spine Surgeons To Know.” Written by Carly Behm | August 26th, 2021 Nima Salari, MD. Desert Institute for Spine Care (Phoenix). Dr. Salari was reportedly the first spine surgeon to implant Amplify Surgical’s 12-degree hyperlordotic DualX interbody cage. His specialties include pathologic conditions of the spine and minimally invasive surgery.

Arizona Physicians Podcast
April 1, 2021

Arizona Physician Podcast with Dr. Anthony Yeung

Dr. Anthony Yeung was interviewed by Arizona Physician Magazine – a publication that provides information for physicians across Arizona. In this podcast, Anthony T. Yeung, MD, a retired orthopedic spine surgeon, reflects on his career in private practice, value-based care, and shares a positive outlook for medical care. Listen to the full podcast – “Anthony T. Yeung, MD, Reflects on his Career in Private Surgical Practice” » (Listeners can find the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, Spotify, and Tune In.)

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
March 26, 2021

Spine surgeon leader to know: Dr. Nima Salari

Nima Salari, MD, is a spine surgeon at Phoenix-based Desert Institute for Spine Care. He specializes in pathologic conditions of the spine and has expertise in minimally invasive spine surgery.

Dr. Mark Wang Professional Headshot
January 1, 2021

Dr. Mark Wang joins DISC

Desert Institute for Spine Care would like to welcome Dr. Mark Wang to our board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon team!

Phoenix Magazine Top Doctors 2021
January 1, 2021

2021 Phoenix TOP DOCS

Congratulations to Dr. Christopher Yeung and Dr. Justin Field on their 2021 TOP DOCS nomination by PHOENIX magazine!

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
December 16, 2020

Chat with the Guru: Interview with Dr. Anthony Yeung

Although he may be retired, Dr. Anthony Yeung is still discussing and advocating for those doctors and patients interested in considering endoscopic spine surgery.

December 9, 2020

Dr. Nima Salari is first spine surgeon to implant new hyperlordotic dualX interbody cage

LAGUNA HILLS, CALIF. (PRWEB) DECEMBER 08, 2020 – Amplify Surgical, Inc., a medical device company focused on innovative dual-expanding technology for the lumbar spine, is excited to announce the launch of the dualX T/PLIF 12-Degree hyperlordotic interbody cages.

December 9, 2020

Dr. Joshua Abrams completes 2020 Ironman

On November 7, 2020, our very own spine surgeon, Joshua Abrams, completed the only IRONMAN competition in North America in 2020.

A Man In A Plaid Shirt Holds His Neck In Pain
March 26, 2020

Tips from a Spine Surgeon to Avoid Neck and Back Pain

I have the privilege to see, evaluate, and treat patients from all walks of life. Despite the difference in sex, age, and every category imaginable, they all present with similar questions and concerns. Why do I hurt? What is the cause of the pain? How can I alleviate it? How can I prevent it?

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
March 12, 2020

Dr. Anthony Yeung: What surgeons need to know about reimbursement, training in endoscopic spine surgery

Spine surgeon Anthony Yeung, MD, recently retired from Phoenix-based Desert Institute Spine Care, where his son Chris Yeung, MD, is spearheading the practice.

A Doctor Shows A Patient A Picture Of Their Spine On A Tablet
March 6, 2020

7 DOs and DON’Ts After Spine Surgery

Having surgery is a major step for any patient. Even with the shortest and simplest of surgeries, patients should follow instructions as discussed with their surgeon. This is a time to focus on healing and completing the plan set out with your care provider.

Dr. Salari Professional Headshot
December 11, 2019

Dr. Nima Salari on Money Radio

Dr. Nima Salari was on the ‘Business for Breakfast’ show, on Money Radio, Monday December 9.

The DISC Doctors Together at a Social Event
November 8, 2019

The Legendary Dr. Anthony Yeung Announces His Retirement

Dr. Anthony Yeung, DISC Orthopedic Spine Surgeon and the Executive Director for the International Intradiscal Therapy Society (IITS), announced his retirement in an official statement on the IITS website. Below is an excerpt from the announcement. “2019 was time for me to finally stop operating (at age 78) to focus my time on publishing my extensive […]

October 30, 2019

Dr. Christopher Yeung on Money Radio

Dr. Christopher Yeung was on Money Radio Friday, October 25.

October 30, 2019

Dr. Christopher Yeung honored as an Integrity Tiger

Dr. Christopher Yeung was honored as an Integrity Tiger at the 2019 Integrity Tiger Summit.

Becker's Spine Review logo
October 17, 2019

Amplify Surgical’s dualX hits 100-level use milestone

Amplify Surgical launched its dualX earlier this year and it has now been implanted in 100 surgical levels. Yong Kim, MD, performed the milestone case at NYU Langone Health in New York City. Ali Najafi, MD, a neurosurgeon in Fresno, Calif., and Nima Salari, MD, an orthopedic spine surgeon in Phoenix, have also performed several

June 6, 2019

Dr. Salari explains the benefits of utilizing the 3D planning tools in Medacta’s MySpine MC platform

CASTEL SAN PIETRO, Switzerland – (BUSINESS WIRE)–Medacta International, an international company specializing in the design and production of innovative orthopaedic products and the development of accompanying surgical techniques, today announced its MySpine Midline Cortical (MC) platform has been recognized as this year’s “Best Healthcare Navigation / Robotics Solution” by MedTech Breakthrough.

First patient implant in Arizona
June 3, 2019

DISC Announces First Patient Implant in Arizona and the entire Southwest of the Next-Generation M6-C Artificial Cervical Disc Designed to Treat Cervical Disc Degeneration

The M6-C Disc is the Only Artificial Disc Available in the US That Offers Compression Like a Natural Disc Phoenix, Arizona – May 15, 2019 – Desert Institute for Spine Care today announced the first implant in Arizona of a patient with the M6-C™ artificial cervical disc. Dr. Christopher A. Yeung performed the procedure on a […]

an anatomic approach to minimally invasive spine surgery
April 3, 2019

DISC Physicians have book chapter published

Dr. Nima Salari, Dr. Christopher Yeung, and Dr. Anthony Yeung contribute a chapter in “An Anatomic Approach to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery”, a widely acclaimed textbook that presents a diverse spectrum of current safe and efficacious procedures and future innovations in the field of Minimally Invasive Spine surgery. They share their expertise on endoscopic lumbar […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
March 20, 2019

Dr. Christopher Yeung, Dr. Justin Field, and Dr. Nima Salari nominated as Phoenix Magazine’s 2019 Top Doctors

Congratulations to Dr. Christopher Yeung, Dr. Justin Field, and Dr. Nima Salari, for being nominated as Phoenix Magazine’s 2019 Top Doctors!

Dr. Nima Salari discusses new solution for neck pain
March 13, 2019

New Solution for Neck Pain

March 1, 2019

Dr. Nima Salari is featured in Phoenix Medical Professionals Magazine

Dr. Salari is a board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic spine surgeon with Desert Institute for Spine Care (DISC). His specialized training is in the operative and non-operative treatment of pathologic conditions affecting the spine.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 25, 2019

Dr. Anthony Yeung Receives Asian Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Anthony Yeung and his wife, Eileen received the Asian Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019.

January 8, 2019

New guided approach to instrumented lumbar fusion evolved from earlier methods

By Nima Salari, MD The recent introduction of 3-D-printed and patient-matched pedicle screw guides has modernized spine surgery planning and procedures. The process for this patient-matched approach provides for an efficient and effective technique that reduces radiation exposure and can save hospitals and health systems on expenditures for capital purchases, such as navigation systems or CT-scanning technology. In addition, surgeons are less reliant today on free-hand techniques than they once were.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 3, 2018

Dr. Anthony Yeung Gives 20th Anniversary Master Talk in China

Dr. Anthony Yeung has been invited to China this month (October 10-20, 2018) to give his 20th Anniversary lecture on his Master Talk – The Role and Future of Endoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Symptomatic Conditions of the Spine. In this talk, Dr. Anthony Yeung speaks about the role of endoscopic spine surgery in […]

July 5, 2018

Dr. Nima Salari performs first U.S. spine surgery using Medacta International’s “MySpine MC” technique

DISC’s own Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Dr. Nima Salari, was the first in the United States to perform a surgery utilizing Medacta International’s “MySpine MC” technique.

Dr. Anthony Yeung
May 21, 2018

2018 Linguistic School Commencement Speech

Dr. Yeung provides the commencement address to the Chinese Linguistic School about the importance of learning foreign languages in eluding Chinese. He instills the importance of Chinese ethnicity to the students and the importance of being the Best of the Best. Dr. Yeung provides the commencement address to the Chinese Linguistic School about the importance […]

A Man In A Suit Is Holding A Microphone While Standing Next To Another Man In A Lab Coat.
March 29, 2018

Dr. Anthony Yeung Travels to Taiwan

Dr. Anthony Yeung travelled to Taiwan as a guest of the Taiwan Pain Society, an Academic Society of professors of Pain Management, Anesthesiologists, and who is expanding membership to include Endoscopic Spine surgeons.

Christopher Yeung Professional Headshot
March 14, 2018

Dr. Chris Yeung featured on KTAR news radio for Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute”

Dr. Christopher Yeung was featured on KTAR news radio for Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute” hosted by Pamela Hughes.

Medical Instruments on Blue Flooring
March 14, 2018

Dr. Justin Field featured again on Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute”

Here is the latest Medical Minute for Dr. Justin Field talking about RISE, the instrumentation he and Dr. Christopher Yeung developed.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
December 21, 2017

Dr. Anthony Yeung Gives Master Talk Internationally in 2017

Dr. Anthony Yeung has given this Master Talk at multiple International Spine Meetings throughout 2017 in order to educate and advocate about the advantages of minimally invasive endoscopic spine surgery.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 17, 2017

Dr. Yeung speaks at the 2017 China Forum on Functional Neurosurgery

The China Forum on Functional Neurosurgery held an International meeting on September 16-17, 2017. The program’s agenda of Morning Plenary Sessions consisted of invited foreign experts from the USA, Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
September 19, 2017

Celebrating the Formation of the Yeung Endoscopic Spine Society in China

New sub-societies are being established in China and Taiwan, as Dr. Anthony Yeung steps up training all over the world. One such society is the “Yeung Fellow’s Endoscopic Spine Society,” in China made up of his spine fellows and other physicians who are embracing the YESS endoscopic technique. A parallel “Academic Yeung” is also being formed for the Taiwanese Spine Surgeons currently being trained by Dr. Yeung

A Large Group Of People Are Posing For A Photo In Front Of A Sign That Says Hj / Yess
September 14, 2017

Dr. Anthony Yeung Travels to Ningbo, China

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
July 21, 2017

New Publication from the Surgeons at DISC

Drs. Anthony T. Yeung, Christopher A. Yeung, Nima Salari, and Justin Field of DISC, along with James Navratil and Harrison Maio, have recently published an article in the Journal of Spine, an Open Access, peer reviewed, academic journal that provides a complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in all areas of the field.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
April 5, 2017

Dr. Anthony T. Yeung – Newest Member of The Expert Network©

Dr. Anthony T. Yeung Has Been Recognized Among the Top in His Industry by the Expert Network© Phoenix, AZ, March 29, 2017 ( – Dr. Anthony T. Yeung, Founder, Desert Institute for Spine Care (DISC), has joined The Expert Network©, an invitation-only service for distinguished professionals.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
March 8, 2016

Work Hard, Play Hard

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
June 5, 2015

The Health Connection with Dr. Chris Yeung


Surgical Approaches To The Spine Third Edition By Robert G. Watkins III And Robert G. Watkins IV
May 27, 2015

Recent Chapter Published in Surgical Approaches to the Spine

Drs. Anthony and Christopher Yeung and Dr. Justin Field recently contributed a chapter to the book Surgical Approaches to the Spine – a step-by-step, state-of-the-art procedural manual that covers over 50 unique surgical approaches for injuries and conditions of the spine.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
May 15, 2015

How high-energy spine surgeons start their day

How you start the day is important; it sets the tone for everything to follow. Dr. Nima Salari was recently featured by Becker’s Spine Review’s Laura Dyrda about how he, as a high-energy spine surgeon, starts his day.

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
May 5, 2015

Dr. Justin Field: Spine surgeon leader to know

Congratulations to Dr. Justin Field, for being named ‘Spine Surgeon Leader to Know’ by Becker’s Spine Review.

A Poster That Says Top 10 Doctor 2014 On It
April 20, 2015

Dr. Justin Field – 2014 Top 10 Doctor by Vitals

Dr. Justin Field was voted 2014 Top 10 Doctor – one of Phoenix Metro Area’s Top 10 Orthopedic Surgeon Specialists by Vitals. Congratulations!

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
November 3, 2014

We’ve Got Your Back Race – Scottsdale 2014

What a fun day! Over 275 people showed up for the first annual WGYB RACE in Scottsdale on February 8, 2014. Race proceeds benefitted The Spinal Research Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding new cures for those suffering from spinal disorders.

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
October 17, 2014

Dr. Nima Salari named “Top 35 Spine Surgeons Under 40 To Know”

Congratulations to our very own, Dr. Nima Salari, for being named one of the top 35 spine surgeons in the country under 40 years old to know by Becker’s Spine Review.

A Page Of 2013 Alumni Scholarships Includes Leonard M. Napolitano PhD Award
August 11, 2014

Yeung named 2014 Distinguished Alumni by UNM School of Medicine

The University of New Mexico School of Medicine has named Dr. Anthony Yeung, of Desert Institute for Spine Care in Phoenix, Arizona, as The Distinguished Alumni for 2014.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
July 17, 2014

Dr. Anthony Yeung – educating the next generation of physicians to be competitive in a new era of healthcare

by Susan Parker Anthony T. Yeung, MD understands how to keep patient care his top priority as the tides are changing in the way that healthcare is delivered. Changes in medical technology, advancements that challenge previous “gold standards,” and evolving “best practices” illustrate the ever-changing landscape in medicine. In this issue of Round-up, get to […]

Anthony Young Photo Headshot
July 14, 2014

Top 100 Physician Leaders to Know

Dr. Anthony Yeung was named in the recent “100 Physician Leaders to Know in the ASC Industry” for 2014 by Becker’s ASC Review.

Health The Valley's Best Doctors
June 27, 2014

Dr. Field listed as TOP DOC in the East Valley

North Valley Magazine teamed up with HealthTap – a leading company that helps consumers make better medical decisions – to bring you the area’s best physicians and dentists.

June 13, 2014

Dr. Nima Salari warns, “Don’t let technology get you off track!”

Dr. Nima Salari was interviewed by Channel 3 News on how our high-tech life can wreak havoc on our posture and our health and gives some tips on how to counter bad habits that come with increased phone and computer usage.

A Logo For Becker's ASC Review In Red And Blue
June 11, 2014

Thrive Now and in the Future

Dr. Anthony Yeung has been invited to speak at the 12th Annual Spine, Orthopedic and Pain Management-Driven ASC Conference + The Future of Spine on June 12-14, 2014.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
May 22, 2014

Lifetime Achievement award presented to Dr. Anthony Yeung

Dr. Anthony Yeung was honored May 10th, 2014 at the Asian Pacific Community in Action (APCA) annual fundraiser.

A Group Of People Are Cutting A Red Ribbon In A Hallway
May 2, 2014

New state-of-the-art spine center opens at UNM SRMC

Phoenix, AZ, April 25, 2014: The University of New Mexico School of Medicine welcomed Dr. Anthony Yeung on April 25, 2014 for the dedication of the Anthony T. and Eileen K. Yeung Endoscopic Spine Center.

Two Doctors Are Looking At An X-Ray On A Computer
January 8, 2014

Anthony Yeung and Christopher Yeung featured in Becker’s Spine Review

All in the family: 5 dynamic father-son, daughter duos in spine surgery by Laura Dyrda Some apples don’t fall far from the tree. For father-son and father-daughter spine and neurosurgeon teams, that distance can sometimes be microscopic. It’s rare in healthcare to find a family with two physicians in the same specialty, especially as fewer […]

A Page From The Journal Of The Spinal Research Foundation
January 8, 2014

The Importance of Bone Health for Spinal Procedures

Having healthy bones is very important to prevent fractures. Common areas where people sustain broken bones due to fragility are in the spine, hips, and wrists.

Anthony Young Photo Headshot
December 2, 2013

51 Spine Surgeons on Top Leadership Strategies

Becker’s Spine Review would like to congratulate Drs. Anthony and Christopher Yeung for appearing on the recent “51 Spine Surgeons on Top Leadership Strategies” list. Surgeons featured on this list discuss the core concepts for becoming a leader in the field today and the key qualities of spine surgeon leaders in the future. The spine […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 11, 2013

Aches & Pains Interfering With Your Mobility?

Join us for a free orthopedic screening and educational event to find out how Scottsdale Healthcare can help get you moving again! Our certified physical therapists will provide a free one-on-one screening to help determine the cause of your pain and recommend follow-up treatment

A Newspaper Article About Treating Painful Symptoms Of The Sacroiliac Joint
October 11, 2013

Treating Painful Symptoms of the SI Joint

Dr. Justin Field and DISC reaches out through ACS to the Arizona chiropractic profession to work together as a team in the best interests of the patient.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
September 3, 2013

UNM to Open Revolutionary Endoscopic Spine Surgery Center

In 2007, approximately 27 million U.S. adults reported having back problems, while 19 million adults reported receiving treatment for back problems at a cost of $30.3 billion dollars, according to a U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 2010 report.

August 5, 2013

Team DISC Expands!

We would like to welcome our newest team member, Dr. Nima Salari. He will be joining DISC in August 2013.

A Person Is Holding A Model Of A Spine With The Words Sit Up Straight On The Bottom
July 16, 2013

Dr. Field discusses back pain on Channel 12

Channel 12’s “Pain in the…” series spoke with Dr. Justin Field about back and neck pain – something that affects millions of Americans.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
July 15, 2013

30 Spine Surgeons Interested in Sports Medicine

Christopher A. Yeung, MD (Desert Institute for Spine Care, Phoenix). Dr. Yeung is Team Spine Surgeon and Consultant for the AZ Diamondbacks, AZ Rattlers, and many Cactus League teams during Spring Training,

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
July 15, 2013

105 Spine Surgery Practices to Know

Desert Institute for Spine Care (Phoenix). DISC includes board-certified orthopedic spine surgeons Anthony Yeung, MD, Christopher Yeung, MD, and Justin Field, MD. In addition to establishing DISC, Dr. Anthony Yeung has developed the FDA-approved Yeung Endoscopic Spine System

A Phoenix Award For Justin Field Md In 2013
June 24, 2013

Justin Field, MD Receives 2013 Phoenix Award

PHOENIX June 13, 2013 — Justin Field, MD has been selected for the 2013 Phoenix Award in the Doctors category by the Phoenix Award Program.

A Logo For Becker's ASC Review In Red And Blue
June 19, 2013

Squaw Peak Surgical Facility – a Spinal Surgery-Driven ASC to Know

The Squaw Peak Surgical Facility in Phoenix, Arizona was featured as one of the “35 Spinal Surgery-Driven ASCs to Know” by Becker’s ASC Review.

Christopher Yeung Professional Headshot
June 5, 2013

Dr. Chris Yeung featured on Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute”

Pamela Hughes, host of KTAR’s Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute,” talks to Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Dr. Christopher Yeung about the most common neck and back injuries he sees and how he approaches each case to treat the pain most effectively.

Dr. Justin Field Headshot
May 28, 2013

Dr. Justin Field is featured on KTAR’s News Radio For Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute”

He is honored to be trusted by many nurses, physical therapists, and doctors that seek his care for their own back and neck pain.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
May 22, 2013

17 Spine Surgeons Focused on Lumbar & Cervical Disc Replacement

Dr. Christopher Yeung was featured in the Becker’s Spine Review article listing the top spine surgeons performing or researching lumbar and cervical disc replacement procedures.

Christopher Yeung Professional Headshot
May 6, 2013

Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute” – Dr. Chris Yeung on the progress of spine surgery

Dr. Christopher Yeung talks to Pamela Hughes, host of KTAR’s Scottsdale Health Care’s “Medical Minute,” about lessening the fear of a patient who hears that they might need spine surgery.

April 6, 2013

Becker’s Spine Review Sits Down with Dr. Anthony Yeung to Discuss the Future of Spine Care

Becker’s Spine Review Editor Laura Miller sits down with Dr. Anthony Yeung to discusses his decision to support the new spine center at the University of New Mexico and where he sees the spine field headed in the future. A Maverick Spine Surgeon’s Quest to Develop Minimally Invasive Technique & How He’s Passing It to the Next […]

April 6, 2013

Dr. Christopher Yeung is featured in the “Physician Spotlight”

Flip to page 7 to read about Dr. Christopher Yeung in the “Physician Spotlight” section of THE Surgical Hospital of Phoenix’s Spring 2013 Newsletter – Dr. Christopher Yeung – Getting Down to the ‘Core’.

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
March 17, 2013

Spine Surgeons Receive Leadership Awards

Drs. Anthony and Christopher Yeung were among the 14 spine surgeons that Becker’s Spine Review named recipients of the Annual Spine Leadership Award 2013. Recipients were selected based on their noteworthy contributions to their practice and the spine community, entrepreneurial skills and influence in business and leadership.

March 15, 2013

Dr. Anthony T. and Eileen K. Yeung make first of its kind Spine Center at UNM a reality!

Physicians and Patients Benefit with the Least Invasive Spine Techniques Phoenix, AZ, March 13, 2013 – Dr. Anthony Yeung, of Desert Institute for Spine Care in Phoenix, Arizona attended The University of New Mexico School of Medicine. His training now comes full circle by the founding of a state-of-the-art spine center at his alma mater. In […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 18, 2013

Who do doctors go to when they experience back pain?

Who do doctors go to when they experience back pain? This article describes how Dr. Anthony Yeung not only helped one physician with his pain, but also acted as an inspiration to learn more about minimally invasive surgery.

A Group Of People Standing In Front Of A Sign That Says Year Of The Snake
February 18, 2013

Spring Banquet with Gov. Jan Brewer Honors Anthony Yeung, MD

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 29, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung Featured on Angie’s List®

Angie’s List® features Dr. Anthony Yeung in their September issue. BACKBREAKING PAIN? Before turning to spine surgery, talk to your doctor about options by Matthew Brady Tabetha Evans spent her young adulthood rock climbing, body surfing, zip-lining, anything that promised an adrenaline rush. “If it looked like fun, I was ready to do it,” says […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 29, 2012

coflex® Interlaminar Technology receives FDA approval!

Dr. Anthony Yeung, Principal Investigator in the study, along with investigators Dr. Christopher Yeung and Dr. Justin Field, participated in this clinical trial that led to this FDA approval. DISC, the only site in Arizona involved in this trial, was in the top 5 sites whose data was used for papers presented to national and […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 29, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung Speaks at 2012 North American Spine Society’s 27th Annual Meeting

Dr. Anthony Yeung was a speaker at the 2012 North American Spine Society’s 27th Annual Meeting.

A Poster That Says This Week Orthopedics On It
October 15, 2012

What is the Kambin Award?

Dr. Anthony Yeung was mentioned in Orthopedics This Week in the article “People In the News”.  This article gives a great description of the magnitude of the Kambin Award that Dr. Yeung received on September 23, 2012.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
October 11, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung Accepts 2012 Kambin Award

Congratulations again to Dr. Anthony Yeung, who was selected by the Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SMISS) to receive the 2012 Kambin Award. Dr. Anthony Yeung’s son, Dr. Christopher Yeung, accepted this award on his father’s behalf at the SMISS Annual Meeting on Sunday, September 23. The Kambin Award was established by SMISS last year in collaboration with […]

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
October 11, 2012

DISC spine surgeons listed on Becker’s “60 Spine Surgeon Inventors to Know”

Chicago—Becker’s Spine Review* recently released the “60 Spine Surgeon Inventors to Know,” which includes all three of Desert Institute for Spine Care’s remarkable surgeons–Justin Field, MD, Christopher Yeung, MD, and Anthony Yeung, MD. This article highlights 60 Spine Surgeons who have invented spine devices that are changing the procedures available to patients. Dr. Field and Dr. Chris Yeung have […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
September 5, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung Listed as 1 of 15 Pioneering Spine Surgeons

Dr. Yeung is the founder of Desert Institute for Spine Care and developer of the Yeung Endoscopic Spine System. The system includes multi-channel spine endoscopes and related instruments by Richard Wolf Surgical Instrument Company.

A Man In A Lab Coat Is Standing In An Operating Room.
September 5, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung to receive the 2012 Kambin Award

Congratulations to Dr. Anthony Yeung, who has been selected by the Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SMISS) to receive the 2012 Kambin Award.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
June 8, 2012

VIDEO | Dr. Christopher Yeung and the Arizona Diamondbacks

Dr. Christopher Yeung and the Arizona Diamondbacks – A match 30 years in the making. Dr. Christopher Yeung talks about his involvement with the Diamondbacks and how it follows his passion of not only spine surgery, but of orthopedic sports medicine.

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
June 6, 2012

Spine Surgeon Leader to Know: Dr. Anthony Yeung of DISC

Anthony Yeung, MD, is founder of Desert Institute for Spine Care, where he performs endoscopic spine surgery using the FDA approved Yeung Endoscopic Spine System, which he developed.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
June 6, 2012

DISC Joins ASU “Devil Docs” Athletic Program

DISC has joined the ASU’s “DEVIL DOCS” whose mission is to fund and support development of a state-of-the-art Sun Devil Performance Training Center for Arizona State University student athletes, which will be part of the ongoing Legacy Campaign. “Devil Docs” was set up by Arizona State University’s Sun Devil Club, a community owned organization focused on the funding […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
May 21, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung Invited to Present at The Brain Mapping Conference

The brain mapping conference is a government sponsored meeting to showcase new technologies that the government may want to fund and nurture.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Father, son surgeons Yeung at heart

Dr. Anthony Yeung always secretly hoped his two children would follow in his footsteps as an orthopedic spine surgeon.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

New Back Pain Treatments Shown

The Institute for Minimally Invasive Spine Care (now the Desert Institute for Spine Care) hosted a symposium in Phoenix, where spine surgeon Anthony Yeung performed cutting-edge surgery for 60 doctors from around the world.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Minimally Invasive Spine Care

As published in the Arizona Republic Two years after an auto accident smashed two discs in her spine, Patti Nellesen, then 51, was still bedridden and sedated around the clock with painkillers. Doctors considered back surgery too risky due to her history of polio and scoliosis.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Back In Action

From Med Update reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2001 by Lionheart Ventures, L.L.C. When Shauna Scrivner herniated her disc last summer while training for a tennis tournament in Flagstaff, doctors told her she had torn her hamstring but that it was probably nothing serious. “I was hitting with a guy who lives near me who […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Procedure engages latest technology in spinal surgery

Other orthopedic surgeons call him a maverick — and a little crazy — for his aggressive treatments in spine surgery. But Anthony Yeung, MD, who considers himself a pioneer in spine surgery, isn’t concerned about their criticism.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Valley Doctor Gets FDA Thumbs Up

After Dr. Anthony Yeung performed surgery on Jim Enloe’s back, he noticed that his patient had come to the hospital in a taxi. Knowing Enloe didn’t have a way home, Yeung waited until Enloe recovered from his surgery that night to give him a ride.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Orthopedics In China. Wow!

The Chinese Orthopedic Association (COA) wrapped up its third year as an international meeting and is already setting its sights on becoming the AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) of Asia, if not the globe.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Picture of Success: Anthony Yeung

If Anthony Yeung had the time, he would be making “Refuse to fuse” posters and drawing the attention and possible ire of his colleagues at orthopedic and spine meetings around the world.

Dr. Yeung In A Suit And Tie Is On The Cover Of M.D. News
February 28, 2012

Yeung Version 2.0

M.D. News features Dr. Christopher Yeung on his life, success and making a name for himself in the world of spine care.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

America’s Most Compassionate Doctors – Dr. Field

Dr. Justin Field was recognized as one of America’s Most Compassionate Doctors. This award is based on reviews written by hundreds of thousands of patients. The Compassionate Doctor certification is part of Patients’ Choice recognition program, where patients rate and vote for their favorite doctors.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

100 of the Best Spine Surgeons

Becker’s Orthopedic & Spine Review recently released the annual “100 of the Best Spine Surgeons and Specialists in America” list, and I am pleased to let you know Dr. Anthony Yeung has been included as one of the country’s most prominent and noteworthy spine surgeons.

February 28, 2012

DISC – 2010 Best of Business Award

Congratulations Desert Institute for Spine Care! The SBCA Community is pleased to announce that Arizona Orthopedic Surgeons (Desert Institute for Spine Care), has been selected for the 2010 Best of Business Award in the Physicians & Surgeons category. The SBCA Best of Business Award Program recognizes the best of small businesses throughout the country. Using the world’s […]

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung on Endoscopic Spine Surgery

For the past few years, minimally invasive spine surgery has described several different procedures. Professional spine societies are now working to narrow the definition of proven minimally invasive procedures and promoting the education and use of these procedures with appropriately indicated patients.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

2011 Phoenix Award – Dr. Field

Congratulations Dr. Field! The US Commerce Association Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses that serve their local market.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung featured in Spinal News International

Transforaminal endoscopic approach “effective” in treating most common causes of failed back surgery syndrome New research shows that endoscopic transforaminal decompression is a minimally invasive surgical technique that produces good results and does not “burn bridges” for a more conventional decompression/fusion approach. Read Article

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 28, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung featured in Becker’s Spine Business E-Weekly

Endoscopic Spine Surgery: 6 Things to Know About the Present and Future Written by Laura Miller | October 31, 2011 For the past few years, minimally invasive spine surgery has described several different procedures. Professional spine societies are now working to narrow the definition of proven minimally invasive procedures and promoting the education and use […]

A Blue And Red Logo For Becker's Spine Review
February 28, 2012

Drs. Anthony and Christopher Yeung featured in Becker’s Spine Review

Anthony T. Yeung, MD (Desert Institute for Spine Care, Phoenix). Dr. Anthony Yeung is an orthopedic spine surgeon who specializes in diagnosing the causes of back pain and sciatica from degenerative conditions of the lumbar spine.

Desert Institute for Spine Care logo
February 2, 2012

Dr. Anthony Yeung featured on

Technique: Dorsal Endoscopic Rhizotomy for Axial Back Pain Dr. Yeung is interviewed about the benefits of the Dorsal Endoscopic Rhizotomy procedure for back pain.